The Champaign County Fair is officially over for the year! Which means 4-H is over for another year. The girls did really good this year. Carmen even made it to State Fair which is a first for her in non-livestock.
Allie (9) didn't win any ribbons but worked really hard at her sewing, scrapbooking and cooking and we couldn't be any prouder of her for her first "official" year in 4-H. (She was a cloverbud for 3 yrs but cloverbuds can't participate in any judged projects.)
Allie (9) didn't win any ribbons but worked really hard at her sewing, scrapbooking and cooking and we couldn't be any prouder of her for her first "official" year in 4-H. (She was a cloverbud for 3 yrs but cloverbuds can't participate in any judged projects.)
Here is a few pictures of Allie modeling her outfit (she made the skirt and the tote bag) which is required when you take sewing.
Allie waiting her turn, trying not to look too nervous.
About ready to walk down the runway!
Whew! All done. (She moved to fast for me to get a picture of her on the runway.)
After Allie was done modeling, we walked the fair grounds. Not much was going on of course as it still before 10am! But the kids did find a few things to get their pictures taken with.
Jorden wasn't too sure about the goat trying to eat her stroller.
Jorden loved the horses but not when Chico decided to get real close to her. She is trying her best to get out of the stroller.
Benjamin was in heaven. What little (or big) boy wouldn't be. Think he had to sit in every single one. 
Carmen made it to State Fair for her nutrition project (she was in Fast Break for Breakfast and had made a coffee cake). For State they don't have to cook and bring in their food like they have to at the county judging. This was more testing their knowledge on what they should have learned during the project. This is the first Carmen has made it to State Fair for a non-livestock project! We didn't stick around for the awards that were handed out later on in the day as Carmen wanted to get back to our fair (1 hr drive away) to groom her llama. BUT we did find out the next day that she had won the clock trophy for her category!!
I know, that doesn't mean a thing to you unless you have had kids go to State Fair. A clock trophy is given out to the top scorer of each category! Carmen is the first in our family (my sister and I both made it to State during our 4-H years) and the first in our 4-H group to have won this award! Since we didn't stay around for the awards, it will be sent to our county office and we'll pick it up, so you will have to wait a few days before you see a picture of it.
The only section where she got to talk to a 'judge' and then they spent the first few minutes talking about llamas not food! lol (Judge had asked what other projects she had carried this year.)
One of the tests she had to do.
Answering the Tie Breaker question on "how to keep food safe".

After Allie was done modeling, we walked the fair grounds. Not much was going on of course as it still before 10am! But the kids did find a few things to get their pictures taken with.

Carmen made it to State Fair for her nutrition project (she was in Fast Break for Breakfast and had made a coffee cake). For State they don't have to cook and bring in their food like they have to at the county judging. This was more testing their knowledge on what they should have learned during the project. This is the first Carmen has made it to State Fair for a non-livestock project! We didn't stick around for the awards that were handed out later on in the day as Carmen wanted to get back to our fair (1 hr drive away) to groom her llama. BUT we did find out the next day that she had won the clock trophy for her category!!
I know, that doesn't mean a thing to you unless you have had kids go to State Fair. A clock trophy is given out to the top scorer of each category! Carmen is the first in our family (my sister and I both made it to State during our 4-H years) and the first in our 4-H group to have won this award! Since we didn't stay around for the awards, it will be sent to our county office and we'll pick it up, so you will have to wait a few days before you see a picture of it.

After judging we walked around the State Fair. I finally had some 'fair' food as I never had any at our local fair. So I had a Fried 3 Musketeers bar!
After two bites, I was finished!
Hubby of course couldn't resist trying his hand at racing even if it was not his favorite driver or team. He even won 1st place and walked away with collectors race car that ds is having a blast playing with.

To see more pictures of the Champaign County Fair go here. Of course I have it coming up on Carmen's picture! The picture before hers, #4, is my brother, Jared.
great pics....been YEARS since I've been to the fair
I was born and raised in Ohio and we always went to the fair each year. I remember seeing Andy williams and the Osmonds when they were little and I was little. How cool is that - boy, the memories!!
Love your fair pics. I am visiting here from MY BLOG challenge. Thanks for having me stop by.
darlene l
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