A very good friend of mine came out of pancreatitis surgery yesterday with flying colors. She still has a long recovery ahead of her. I would love to flood her with cards while she recovers. If you would love to help me, please send them to:
Angie Todd
c/o Amber Hillman
234 W. Walnut St.
St.Paris, OH 43072
I will send them on to her. I've been flooding her with cards leading up to her surgery thanks to those that responded to my thread on SCS. Now I can finally post on my blog since she will be in the hospital for 10-12 days and won't be able to check my blog ;) To read about her experience leading up to her surgery and after, check out her site here.
Another long card using a set coming out on April 25th from Treehouse Stamps. This image makes me think of when hubby was able to do this with our son, now he gives these rides to our little girl but even that won't be for long. They grow up to fast!

I will try to get a card out to ya for your friend! Also wanted to let you know that I have an award for you on my blog...come check it out!
Love how this turned out! I just did the little girl today. Hoping to post that soon....
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