Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cards, pouches, sketches

Have had sick kids the last few days and a snow day thrown in! Have have managed to stamp just haven't had the time to post. So that being said, I am going to do one big post! :)

Monday's challenge, envelope pouch. Used MFT sets Eggstra Special Easter and Hoppy Easter. and yes, those are real dyed eggs!
stamp set: Eggstra Special Easter, Hoppy Easter by MFT; ink: black stazon; accs: prismacolor pencils, gamasol, cloud stencil

Color challenge on Tuesday and MFT sketch. Used new set, Serenity Now by MFT. Don't really care for how this card turned out, not sure if it's the colors or if I needed to add more to the card but at least i got to stamp for the day as I did have a kid home from school!
stamp set: Serenity Now by MFT, Sanded, Linen; paper: certainly celery, pumpkin pie, white, orchid opulence; ink: Black stazon, certainly celery, pumpkin pie, orchid opulence; accs: scallop punch

Wend: Not only is it a snow day, but hubby stayed home too! (guess cause it was his birthday, he thought he could just work from home!) Speaking of his birthday, I used the sketch challenge to make his birthday card. Used MFT set Icing on the cake along with SU's Sanded background. Cake plate is embossed in clear embossing powder, went over the black ink with a Versamarker pen.
stamp set: Icing on the Cake - MFT, SU's Sanded; Ink: black, river rock, versamark; paper: chocolate chip, black, river rock; accs: brads, black & clear embossing powder, ribbon, versamarker pen