I promised my son that we would make doughnuts. Well that was like last summer and I never did do it. I know, bad mommy. Well he has snack time this week for kindergarten and wanted to take in doughnuts. So.....I tried an easy peasy recipe that I had seen and he agreed that they were simply yummy that he wanted me to make them for his class snack. So being the good mommy that I am, I made 28 doughnuts just for him to take in! I hope the kids enjoy them as much as we did and as much as i'm sure you will once you make them. These are so good and easy that I am going to have to limit to making them once a month!
A common bag of 36 dinner rolls. Let thaw but still cold. Can also use 24ct Texas rolls.
In the center of each Texas roll, poke a hole and stretch to form a doughnut shape. If using dinner rolls you can press two rolls together and stretch to form a doughnut shape. I used dinner rolls here but didn't press two together this time.

Placed a regular tablespoon next to one so you can see the size they are before rising. Cover with plastic (spray with PAM first or the dough will stick when taking off) and put in a warm place (I heat my oven to warm and turn it off before putting in the doughnuts) and let rise until double.

Same doughnuts 2 hrs later. They really don't need that long to rise. The first batch I did, I let rise only close to an hour. Really depends on how warm the place is you put them to rise.

After the plastic wrap comes off, the doughnuts go a little flat. I used the little round piece to recut the holes in the doughnuts. But wait.. don't throw those little pieces away.. Fry them up and have some doughnut holes! (The first time I didn't cut out the holes, just reshaped them before frying.)

Doughtnuts and doughnut holes frying in oil. Skillet was set at 375 degrees. Could also use a deep fryer if you had one.

Doughnuts 'draining' after being fried. (layered on paper towels and then on the brown packaging from a recent SU order.)

28 doughnuts dusted with Powder Sugar.

Doughnut holes. Yes there should be at least 28 here but they are so good that you are just popping them right into your mouth after the powder sugar hits them! ;)

Here are some glazed doughnuts I made the day before. These are two regular dinner rolls pressed together instead of just the one dinner roll like above. The glaze recipe is 4 cups powder sugar and 1/2 water mixed together.
You can frost them with your favorite frosting or even add sprinkles for the kid inside you. Enjoy and if you make them, let me know how you liked them. I'm off to eat the last one with my cup of coffee!
I think I just gained 10 lbs!
Amber, I'm blaming you for the 5 pounds that I gain from this yummy recipe!
Whoo Hoo! What a great idea to make for a card class and then use the hostess stamp set that has the Do Nut in it and the Sip by Sip stamp set! I have a card I made with the set on my blog. It is lifted from the catalog.
I do LOVE doughnuts. Here's a little tip: If you have a Big Daddy deep fat fryer, put oil in that and fry! YUM!!
MMMM Looks good!
Oh my WORD Amber!! These look way too good to even eat....okay maybe just one! lol!
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