Thursday, May 10, 2012

I was featured!

So a while back I got this email with the subject line:
May we feature Amber’s Antics in our Best of the Web?

Of course my first thought was, it’s spam as I didn’t recognize the name of the sender but that didn’t stop me from opening the email just to see if maybe, just maybe it was legit. And it was!

Be@Home, which features anything from interior design tips to room trends, and from time to time,  crafting-related content, was interested in featuring me on their Best of the Web, their weekly series recognizing the most interesting websites on the web! How cool is that? Check out the above link to see my feature.

So of course I had to check out the rest of their blog and found this post on Crafting solutions. It is a cool idea about using a portable closet to organize your crafting materials and still keep your house spic-and-span. You just have to check out the article to see it for yourself.

        Thanks for stopping by!



Jessica said...

Thrill! And Good for you!