Friday, July 2, 2010

Announcement, Sale and Popsicles!

I am happy to announce that I am now a part of the Creative Design Team!  And speaking of Mygrafico, today is the last day for the Baby Star Design sale.

BDpromo_june[1]  So head over to to check out the Baby Star Design store.


Now for another popsicle recipe that is a winner with my kids and the best part is these can be served for breakfast which the kids think is awesome and I don’t have to feel guilty at all!

Fruit and Yogurt Popsicles

1 cup yogurt (I use vanilla, but you can use any flavor)
1 banana, chopped into small pieces
6 strawberries, washed, chopped into small pieces
1/2 cup crushed pineapple*
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 kid-sized paper cups or a plastic popsicle mold
Aluminum foil
4 popsicle sticks

What you do:

  • Combine all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well. (If you want your popsicles to have a smooth consistency, place all the ingredients in a food processor.)
  • Now pour the mixture into the cups or mold so they're three quarters full.
  • If you're using cups, cover each with a piece of foil. Cut a small slit in the middle and poke the stick through.
  • Place them in the freezer for about five hours.

When you're ready to eat them, remove the foil. Turn the cup upside down and run the bottom under hot water and gently wiggle the stick until you can pull the popsicle out. Enjoy!

* I didn’t have any pineapple but I did have some pineapple/orange juice. I added about 1/4 cup of it to the mixture.

Here are pictures of my kids enjoying them: (this time I used a mold instead of cups)

Yes, even the oldest wanted in on the picture taken this time!

Allie wasn’t a big fan of the popsicle but did manage to eat half of it.

My popsicle monster!

Jorden loves any kind of popsicle!

         Thanks for stopping by!



Tazza said...

Yummmy! i have all these ingrediants so i am going to make some ! yay! My boys love popsicles!
Welcome to the MyGrafico Design team!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! So happy you made the DT! The recipe sounds yummy and will try it next time the grands are here! Your children are precious!